Joannes Adam Theobald "Theobald" Koebel
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Birth Record

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27 December 1779

Birth record for Joannes Adam Theobald "Theobald" Koebel [I03245], showing parents Stephan Koebel [I03337] and Anna Maria (Ehrhard) Koebel [I03338]. He was baptized 27 December 1779 in Oberseebach.

Source: Archives Départementles du Bas-Rhin ( Oberseebach - Registres Paroissiaux (Avant 1793) - Paroisse catholique (Avant 1793) - Registre de baptêmes 1772-1790 - 3 E 351/6, Baptism of Joannes Adam Theobald Köbel, Oberseebach, 1779, Image 44 of 131, ( : downloaded 4 Apr 2023).

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Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors ( : revised June 12, 2023), Gallery.

Revised: June 12, 2023

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