Louis Voisinet
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005511: Obituary

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29 November 1883

Death notice for Louis Voisinet [I02317].

Louis Voisinet

The many friends of Louis Voisinet, of Buffalo Plains, were shocked last Tuesday morning to hear of his sudden death. He had been sick about three weeks with plerisy, but was not considered dangerously ill at any time, as he could leave his bed and sit in his easy chair for a few hours of each day. It was thought that he was improving rapidly and that it was only a question of a short time when he would be able to be about his farm again.

The deceased was born in France in 1819, and came to this country with his parents in 1825. His parents purchased a farm in the town of Tonawanda, upon which place the deceased has lived ever since, and through hard toil, industry and frugality, leaves to his wife and children one of the finest country residences in this part of Erie county. Mr. Voisinet was self-made man and a thoroughly honest one. He was methodical in his business methods, believing in hard work and thrift. He had no patience with anything that savored of indolence. On his beautiful and well-kept farm he has lived for over fifty years, contented and happy, and to him there was no spot on earth like it. He believed there was more independence in rural pursuits than in any other, and was an enemy to waste, improvidence and fast living. Without being obtrusive in his religious views, he believed in the Catholic Church and schools. And what can be said to comfort the family, to the noble wife who for so many years has stood at his side as a true friend and helper, to his sons and daughters who were so tenderly appreciated in the unbounded love and affection of a loving father and a true husband? A Friend.

Amherst, Erie, New York, USA

Source: "Obituary, Louis Voisinet," Obituary, Amherst (New York) Bee, 29 November 1883; online archives (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html : Downloaded 31 January 2020). Volume 5, Number 37.

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Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors (https://iSeeAncestors.com/tree/groups/public/media/si-f25657-i2317-05.php : revised June 12, 2023), Gallery.

Revised: June 12, 2023

Copyright © 2000-2023 Mike Voisin. All rights reserved.

Source: Mike Voisin   Website: https://iSeeAncestors.com   E-Mail: MikeVoisin@iSeeAncestors.com