Jean Pierre Voisin
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002015-02: Birth Record

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29 September 1795

Birth record for Jean Pierre Voisin [I02039], showing parents Vincent Voisin [I02037] and Anne Eve (Denier) Voisin [I02038]. He was born 7 Vendéaire an IV, which corresponds to 29 September 1795. Vincent Voisin is listed as a laboureur (farmer, plowman).

Reppe, Franche-Comté, France

Source: Departmental Archives of Belfort, France, Archives départementales du Territoire de Belfort ( : downloaded 10 October 2017), Etat Civil, Reppe, "Naissances" (Births) 1793-1803, images 15 and 16 of 80.

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Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors ( : revised June 12, 2023), Gallery.

Revised: June 12, 2023

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