John Guitar & Catherina Koebel
Family Gallery

1861 Census

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Census entries for John Guitar [I03425] and Catherina (Koebel) Guitar [I03366], with children John Guitar [I03426], Michael Guitar [I03427], and Nicholas Guitar [I03428]. Joseph Voisin [I00021] is listed as Joseph Guitar. He was a half-brother to John, Michael and Nicholas.

Humberstone Township, Welland County, Ontario, Canada

Source: Census of 1861, Canada West, Humberstone Township, Welland County, Ontario, Library and Archives Canada John Guitar, ( : downloaded 23 May 2023).


Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors ( : revised June 12, 2023), Family Gallery.

Revised: June 12, 2023

Copyright © 2000-2023 Mike Voisin. All rights reserved.

Source: Mike Voisin   Website:   E-Mail: