Pierre Schneider & Barbe Klein
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Marriage Record

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25 January 1823

Civil marriage record for Pierre Schneider [I03180], a weaver, age 30, and Barbe (Klein) Schneider [I03181], age 27. Parents of the groom were Nicolas Schneider [I03208] and Anne Marie (Fromholtz) Schneider [I03209]. Parents of the bride were Frédéric Albin Klein [I03210] and Barbe (Nachbronn) Klein [I03211]. They were married 25 January 1823 at Nousseviller.

Nousseviller-lès-Bitche, Moselle, Lorraine, France

Source: Archives Moselle, (http://www.archives57.com/) Nousseviller-lès-Bitche, Registres paroissiaux et d'état civil, 9NUM/517EC1, Naissances, mariages, décès. (1793-1835), Marriage of Pierre Schneider and Barbe Klein, 1823, Image 330 and 331 of 489 (downloaded 24 Apr 2023).

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Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors (https://iSeeAncestors.com/tree/groups/public/media/sf-f26019-01.php : revised June 12, 2023), Family Gallery.

Revised: June 12, 2023

Copyright © 2000-2023 Mike Voisin. All rights reserved.

Source: Mike Voisin   Website: https://iSeeAncestors.com   E-Mail: MikeVoisin@iSeeAncestors.com